
Marketing Mistakes and Successes, 10e

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  • Marketing Mistakes and Successes, 10e

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    We all can learn from past mistakes...

    It's just more fun when they're not your own.

      Even corporate giants make mistakes. Now you can learn from the best of them with this behind-the-scenes look at some of today's most notable marketing mistakes and successes. With the Tenth Edition of this fascinating casebook, you'll learn how to make better decisions, implement strategies, navigate competitive uncertainties, avoid pitfalls, and seize opportunities.

      In a lively conversational style, Robert Hartley provides play-by-play analyses of actual decisions and practices that led to major marketing wars, comebacks, crises, and triumphs in top corporations. Hand's-on exercises and debates invite you to immerse yourself in various situations. These real-life war stories are packed with practical tips and learning experiences that can serve you throughout your career.

    This Tenth Edition adds these seven new cases:

    * The Kmart/Sears Merger of Faltering Firms
    * Hewlett-Packard Under Carly Fiorina
    * Toys "R" Us: Trying to Defend Against Wal-Mart
    * Gateway Computer's Efforts to Stay Alive
    * Merck's Vioxx Catastrophe
    * Boston Beer--Is Greater Growth Possible?
    * Office Max--To the End

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